Association of


Railway Modellers

Reports prior to October 2022 can be found here.

Below are the most recent reports.

Signalling on a model railway
2024-02-07 19:00 Signalling on a Model Railway with David Stirling from the Signalling Record Society.   This was a very well attended meeting with the room bursting at the seams. We began with a photo of a very com...
Whats on your workbench?
2024-01-03 19:00 Following a change of event, the January 2024 meeting was rescheduled as a workbench session inviting members to bring along their latest projects. The following provided an absorbing series of items ...
Christmas social & quiz
2023-12-06 19:00 Our annual members gathering for a social evening, buy & sell and quiz night. Great food provided by Sam Ryan.  
Modelling the Midland Railway in Scale 7
2023-11-01 19:00 Modelling the Midland in Scale 7 - David Hunt ,  There can be few better ways to start the month than being treated to a presentation on railway modelling by someone who really knows their onions, o...
White Metal Casting
2023-10-04 19:00 4th October 2023   White Metal Casting, by Chris Cox   At the October meeting we had a talk and demonstration of the white metal casting process. Firstly Chris dicussed how he got started with it,...
Whats on your workbench?
2023-09-06 19:15 6th September 2023 ‘What is on your Workbench’ Just over twenty members brought something along to show the meeting. Peter Cox brought the sad remains of his GWR layout including a very nicely scrat...