Association of


Railway Modellers

Christmas social, bring & buy and Quiz on 1st December 2021.



We had a lovely pre Christmas meeting at Bayston Hill Memorial Hall on Wed 1st Dec.


Members held a bring n buy sale using those surplus kits, books and projects that everyone seems to amass in any hobby. This was accompanied by a fantastic quiz...


I particularly enjoyed the aerial photo round! There was a raffle with some wonderful donated prizes and once totalled up and rounded up, the Association of Shrewsbury Railway Modellers (That's us!) raised £100 for The Railway Children. The Railway Children is a charity that was set up by David Maidment; who came and gave us a really interesting talk on his early career as a trainee Regional Manager on the Railways in the days when Station Master's posts were being phased out but much of the old ways and methods were in use... not to mention the infrastructure! The Railway Children fights for Street Children all over the world and the story of it's inception was also very interesting to hear from David Maidment.


Many thanks must go to everyone that attended and particularly those who gave to the raffle. Our next meeting in Jan will be on Wed 5th. Anyone who would like to come along please get in touch!