Association of


Railway Modellers

Monthly Meetings Summaries.


Each month one of the members writes up a few words about the meeting. This, along with photos will appear here.

This page was added in September 2022. Reports from older meetings can be found HERE.

Baseboards my Doctor ordered & Farming from a Modelling Perspective.
2023-02-01 Meeting on Wednesday, 1st February, 2023   This evening there were to be two talks by current members, and either in anticipation of this, or in relief at the meetings returning to their usual Wedne...
Whats on your work bench?
2023-01-04 The meeting last Wednesday happened on a Thursday!   Commencing at 7.10pm there were about 19 members in attendance for the 'Bring what's on your workbench' evening. Nick ran through the parish noti...
Hardest & Highest - Chris Kapolka talks about railways in Peru.
2022-11-02 The meeting began at 7.05pm with 27 members present.    Nick began with a quick run through the events and then round the room Graham asked if anyone had any old ring field motors and associated par...
Loco building with Trevor Hughes
2022-10-01 Trevor gave us his slant on solving some of the problems he has come up against in his long experience of building locos from scratch and began by explaining that his main inspiration was from narrow ...