Meetings are generally held on the first Wednesday of the month.
This is the current programme.
Meetings held at Bayston Hill Memorial Hall (Lythwood Room) 7pm start.
2nd October 2024.
Ballast and ballasting. A look at ballast, it's purpose and how to model ballasted track.
6th November 2024.
A Personal Perspective”. Dave York discuss modelling in EM gauge and give a broad overview of what railways were about.
4th December 2024.
Christmas Social Evening including Quiz, Raffle and Bring & Buy Sale
January 2025. Actual date to be confirmed.....
To be advised.
5th February 2025.
Researching and planning in preparation for a model. Vernon Larcombe shares some thoughts (and hopefully insights) into the process of preparation for the building a scale model of an actual building or location when the original is no longer available.
5th March 2025.
DCC for fifty quid (+ decoder!). Mike Wakefield will explain how to make a budget DCC controller using Arduino boards.
7th May 2025.
Copenhagen Fields and loco construction in 2mm fine scale.
1st October 2025 .
Tom Foster will come and give us a talk on
modelling Rev. Awdry’s Skarloey Railway in 009
5th November 2025.
The railways which served Granville Colliery under both the era of the Lilleshall Co. and the NCB, a talk by Roger Farnworth.