Big Boy 4004 in Holliday Park Cheyenne.
A few USA railroad & model railroad attractions.
Ian Payne.
An extended holiday in the western USA enabled a visit some of the railroad attractions available on the route we had planned out.
The route taken was circuitous and took in the states of California, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Colorado, New Mexico & Nevada. Some of the states were visited twice!
The main reason for the trip was the Grand Canyon, Bryce and Zion National Parks, Teton mountain range, Yellowstone National Park and the historical areas of the states we were travelling in but as a lifelong railway enthusiast and modeller an eye was also kept for railroads, their histories and model railroads.
The following attractions were on the route, It is not intended to be a full list but just a flavour of what we found when passing through. Having already covered some of the areas previously some attractions are not in this list. Some other places of interest, some of which we have previously visited can be found HERE.
In order visited.
Grand Canyon Railroad.
Ogden Utah.
Utah State Railroad Museum.

West Yellowstone, Montana.
Harriman State Park, Idaho.
Depot historical site.
Holiday Inn restaurant.
Livingston, Montana.
Depot Museum.
Hill City, South Dakota.
1880’s train. (Blackhill Central Railroad).

Deadwood, South Dakota.
Depot Visitor Center.
Model railway exhibit.
Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Depot museum.
Union Pacific Railroad works.
Big Boy 4004.
Loco No 1242.
Laramie, Wyoming.
Depot museum and bridge.
Greeley, Colorado.
Model Railroad Museum.
Georgetown, Colorado.
Greeley model railroad museum
Georgetown Loop Railroad.
Alamosa, Colorado.
Loco No 169.
Rio Grande Scenic Railroad.
Tucson, Arizona.
Model Railroad Museum.
The McCormick Stillman Railroad Park.
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