Report on the meeting on October 7th.
At our October meeting, Doug Rhodes brought along portions of two German exhibition layouts he had been working on during the year.
The first was a modified version of the fiddle yard to his German seaport model - Hansestadt Brunshafen. Inspired by an article in a magazine called Eisenbahn Journal, a single Faller kit for a town hall had been severely kit bashed to produce a row of historic waterfront buildings in low relief.
Using the baseboard and track formation from a previous layout, the second model displayed was of a fictional Endbahnhof or terminal station set in rural Hessen not far from the Iron Curtain in the 1950s/60s period.
A detailed account of both models and how they were built, resulted in a prolonged and lively discussion from a very well attended meeting.
Hessen layout
The new fiddle yard