Association of


Railway Modellers

5th January 2022

Film and Photo evening.  A number of members presented films and photos over Zoom.


Nick Coppin showed four short films of the 0 gauge live steam locos built by the late Brian Caton.  They were running on his garden line near Selby.  The locos were an LMS 2P, ‘Gainsborough’, an LNER A4, a NE Q6 0-8-0 running in the snow and a Highland Railway ‘Dornoch’ 0-6-0 side tank.


Howard Mainwaring talked about a photo of a Black 5 No. 44871.  It was one of the locomotives used to haul the Fifteen Guinea Special on the 11th August 1968 in tandem with Black 5 No. 44781 on the Carlisle to Manchester leg.


David Baxter reminisced about the train ferries running between Sweden and Denmark with some fascinating photos.  This inspired some discussion regarding the purpose of the interlaced track on the ferry.


Mike Wakefield showed some photos and some video of Mamod live steam and electric models, some running on his garden railway.


Stephen Duffell visited Fiji in the early 70s and showed us photos of a trip he took on the 2 foot gauge sugar cane railways.


Graham Betts gave us a video tour of his 00 gauge Earls Bridge layout.  This included some views of his superb power station model.


Ian Payne had a plethora of photos taken while he was supporting GW ‘Nunney Castle’ while on various rail tours around the country.


Gordon Woods concluded the evening with some inspiring  photos of Gavin Clark’s P4 layout, ‘Kerrinhead’.  This included some useful advice for photographing model railways.


A new member, David Hughes, showed us a model of the ‘Trip to Jerusalem’ pub in Nottingham he had built.


It was an enjoyable evening, despite being online.